Our Mission

Achieve the Dual Carbon Target

The “China Challenge” of combatting Climate Change while managing the issues of a population of over 1 billion people still developing: by any standard into the modern era needs great skill. The roughly 400 million who share the benefits of modernity have more options which itself requires great effort and skill to change many of the ways of life they have always known. This is the human context.

The dual carbon target is: Carbon Peak by 2030 and Carbon Neutrality by 2060. Climate Change is not a tangential issue with slow moving effects: it is related to the most powerful non human forces on earth and its effects are now and as imminent as today’s weather. Clearly, this was an issue that was conceptually too big to confront, too big to really be able to conceive of a solution for many.

30/60 is a simple guide: all things can be seen and evaluated in this simple calculation. Does it meet this standard, and serve this outcome is the threshold question and many have begun to use this shorthand for many of the most important issues of our time.

Leading green investment

To the world over the last decade from 2010 to 2020 The world was evaluating the cost of climate change and how to pay for it: in many part of the developed world the fashion was a carbon tax: to use taxing authority to fix any problem is specious. There must be incentive to motivate people to do their best and work their hardest. “Green Investment” was always a rationale: but maybe the definition needs to be what EIPC has as its slogan “Zero Carbon China” and “ Zero Carbon Investing!”

To date the world has many mechanism’s to sequester carbon: in Forests, Oceans and the land: the problem is we have produced so much carbon by our civilization that we overwhelm the earth’s methods to handle carbon. Through Zero Carbo we allow natural processes to help do what it has always done: regulate carbon in the natural world.

EIPC becomes an important asset manager ,if you will, reducing the carbon to the level that is manageable through its efforts : “No Carbon Investing” is reducing the “discretionary” carbon through engineering carbon out of manufacturing by innovation and “engineering industrial processes not to produce it.” Many such precesses have not been examined for this by product ever. If it is the case that innovation in the “ production methods” can never allow the former carbon to be produced then that industrial sector has a way to achieve its 30/60 goals. EIPC is actively working on this now!

Towards Zero Carbon in China

Carbon is a natural substance that exists in all living things. The Zero Carbon we are discussing is the “overload of Carbon Pollution from Industrial Production” this carbon is a byproduct of thousands of industrial applications that add significant toxins and other pollutants to the atmoshpehre along with industrial carbon emissions. Carbon is in its simple form the best to attack first.

The list of GHG emissions is long and it gets more complex when natural methane emissions released by oil drilling occurs. All need to be reviewed and it may take every minute until 2060 – 37 years from now – to get them all under control but China and the EIPC are giving the world a starting point which is gathering strength each day.