

在国家“双碳”目标的引领下,中国投资协会能源投资专业委员会(简称“能投委”)积极践行“零碳中国”行动,组织10位院士和15位专家,走进吉林省辽源市,助力辽源经济转型和高质量发展。 高层次会见,共谋发展大计 4月11日,吉林省委书记景俊海和省委副书记、省长胡玉亭在长春亲切会见了中国投资协会副会长张永贵、能投委会长孙耀唯、能投委首席专家中国工程院陈清泉院士、能投委副会长单位中国天楹股份有限公司董事长严圣军和中国科学院费维扬院士、中国科学院郭烈锦院士、中国能源研究会理事长史玉波、外交部原副部长李金章、原国务院参事张洪涛、清华大学管理实践访问教授朱云来、澳大利亚国家工程院外籍院士刘科等一行专家。省领导对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎,并就辽源市新能源产业的发展进行了深入交流。 实施高质量发展战略,构建三大体系 景俊海书记强调,吉林省正聚焦培育新质生产力,全面实施“一主六双”高质量发展战略,培育“四大集群”、发展“六新产业”、建设“四新设施”。通过这些措施,吉林省致力于构建高质量发展体系、高品质生活体系和高水平安全体系,推动吉林全面振兴,确保经济社会持续健康发展。 发展新能源产业,助力实现“两确保一率先”目标 胡玉亭省长指出,新能源产业的发展对于实现吉林省“两确保一率先”目标具有重要意义,希望各位嘉宾能够充分发挥自身优势,深化科技创新合作,积极为吉林新能源产业发展建言献策,共同推动产业链条的贯通和产业生态的构建。 嘉宾积极回应,共谋辽源高质量发展 嘉宾们认为,辽源市新能源产业发展基础坚实、优势明显、潜力很大,通过产学研用多领域广泛合作能够将优势转化为发展动力,提供更多高质量的发展动力,大家将结合自身优势,基于辽源市风光储氢氨醇一体化项目的成功落地实施,引导更多资源、人才和项目投向辽源,为辽源市零碳转型和高质量发展贡献力量。 此次“零碳中国”走进辽源院士专家座谈会,进一步深化能投委与吉林省辽源市的合作,为辽源市转型发展带来了新思路、谋划了新布局、注入了新动力。未来,能投委将继续发挥“零碳中国”标准体系、产业体系、技术体系、投资体系和人才体系优势,以新质生产力助力城市产业和经济的高质量发展,为践行“双碳”目标战略贡献智慧和力量。 出席座谈会的还有省领导李伟、李国强,以及国家有关司局和中国投资协会的负责同志。

“零碳中国”走进吉林,能投委10位院士15位专家助力辽源零碳转型 Read More »


On the morning of December 9th, local time, during the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a special session on ‘Wind, Solar, Hydrogen, and Energy Storage’ was successfully held at the China Pavilion, organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, in Dubai Expo

风光氢储一体化,推动零碳中国走向零碳世界 Read More »


On the afternoon of December 9th, local time, during the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the ‘Global Renewable Energy Prospects and Zero-Carbon China’ Special Session was successfully held at the Dubai Expo City as part of the China Pavilion · Renewable Energy Day Event, organized

可再生能源成为全球能源转型主力,零碳中国走进COP28 Read More »


The 2023 (4th) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference, an important supporting activity held annually during the China International Import Expo, kicked off on Wednesday in Shanghai. Hosted by the Investment Association of China, the event invited experts, scholars, and representatives of research institutes, international organizations and leading companies from around the world to

国际碳中和与绿色投资大会在上海召开 Read More »

On the morning of November 8, 2023, the (4th) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03.

On the morning of November 8, 2023, the (4th) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03. As the global climate crisis intensifies, “Carbon Neutrality” is a crucial theme in “Belt and Road” cooperation.

On the morning of November 8, 2023, the (4th) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03. Read More »

On the afternoon of November 8, 2023, the 2nd Zero Carbon China Cities Summit, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03.

On the afternoon of November 8, 2023, the 2nd Zero Carbon China Cities Summit, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03. The summit will focus on the development of zero-carbon cities, bringing together government officials, businesses, and societal leaders to

On the afternoon of November 8, 2023, the 2nd Zero Carbon China Cities Summit, hosted by the Investment Association of China, will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in Meeting Room C0-03. Read More »

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng met with the leadership of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations

Great meeting with Ambassador Xie Feng in Washington DC. Representing Bush China Foundation are Neil Bush, Chairman, David Firestein, CEO and Board Advisor, Eric Fang. Fantastic discussions with outlook future cooperations on China-US-Saudi collaboration

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng met with the leadership of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations Read More »

KAEC signs agreement to develop zero-carbon industrial park

In a concerted effort to promote sustainable development in the region, King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) in Saudi Arabia has entered into an agreement with Sky Tower Investments Co. The objective of this collaboration is to construct a zero-carbon industrial park within the city. This partnership is driven by the shared goal of harnessing the

KAEC signs agreement to develop zero-carbon industrial park Read More »

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) has formalized a strategic partnership agreement with Skytower to establish a Zero Carbon Industrial Park within its boundaries

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) has officially entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Skytower to establish a Zero Carbon Industrial Park within the city. KAEC has outlined that this collaboration is intended to leverage the combined expertise and resources of both entities for the purpose of fostering and elevating sustainability practices within the Kingdom,

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) has formalized a strategic partnership agreement with Skytower to establish a Zero Carbon Industrial Park within its boundaries Read More »

Atlas Renewable, NCSD, EIPC, and CICC Meet in Beijing for Greentech development in Mongolia and Saudi Arabia

Today, the leadership of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) from Washington, DC, Atlas Renewable from Houston and the Energy Investment Professional Committee – Investment Association of China (IAC) in Beijing were honored to meet with the Dr. Gang Chu, Chief Operating Officer of China International Capital Corporation at the Corporation’s headquarters in Beijing.

Atlas Renewable, NCSD, EIPC, and CICC Meet in Beijing for Greentech development in Mongolia and Saudi Arabia Read More »